It takes experience

Charlier LIberty, headshot, profile, real estate

Charlie A. Liberti GRI, CRB, GAA is a Certified General Appraiser and licensed real estate broker based in West Haven, Connecticut with over 50+ years in the business.

As the principal of Blue Ribbon Appraisals and Blue Ribbon Real Estate, Charlie has developed an expertise across the real estate industry in Connecticut, specializing in everything from diminution in value (stigma valuations) to commercial, industrial and residential real estate, as well as feasibility studies, tax appeals, and subdivision analysis. He has also provided expert testimony in both Superior Court and Federal Court, and has performed appraisals for Uniform Appraisal Standards for federal land acquisitions (yellow book).

An active member of the community, Charlie serves on the West Haven Beautification Committee and is a former member of the Rotary Club.